"Foxcatcher" Review
There are so many interesting things about the story of David Schultz and John du Pont. du Pont came from a colorful family of unimaginable wealth. He was cut from Central Casting as a black sheep; awkward, a dreamer and almost certainly born with a mental illness. Schultz was a habitual overachiever. He was also a gregarious, giving fellow whose life was cut short in tragic fashion. Pick any one of those things, and there is the potential for a good movie. Foxcatcher didn't and it isn't. Foxcatcher is Mark Schultz's story. Mark, played by Channing Tatum, is the younger brother of David, and is also a champion wrestler. Mark and David both won gold medals at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (a great accomplishment, but one sullied by the fact that the Soviet Union led a boycott of Eastern Bloc nations in retaliation for the United States' boycott of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow) and Mark won gold at the 1987 FILA world championships in 1...