Booking Lessons From Texas
There are some things from the March 7, 1983 episode of World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW) (now available on the WWE Network ) that cannot be duplicated. A booker can hope for three local babyface brothers. A promoter can want a mad villain like Michael Hayes. But they are stars. There is no way of knowing when they will appear or how bright they will shine. What bookers and promoters have control of is the storytelling. Great storytelling will elevate present wrestlers and draw future wrestlers. It will make dreamers want to work for you and make deciders want your show on their channel. The salient angle of the March 7, 1983 episode of WCCW begins at about the twelve minute mark. The match is "Ice Man" King Parsons vs. Buddy Roberts of the Freebirds. The angle begins before the match with a shirtless Michael Hayes accompanying Roberts to the ring. The Lesson: Two fundamental heel/antagonist move here. Heels wil...