This is What a Money Promo Looks Like in 2016
How do you know you're addicted to pro wrestling? Because you care about WWE Extreme Rules, that's how. And, it's the low form of addiction. The ugly form. Not the 'addiction' of passion and focus. The addiction of need; the loss of control. The addiction that public service announcements warn you about. There is no other rational cause for an adult to care about the current WWE product. All that makes the art form of pro wrestling is absent from Extreme Rules. Suspense, empathetic characters, irreconcilable conflict; all absent. In their place are false drama, cartoonish caricatures and easy choices. To rebuild WWE will take a massive effort and it is not clear when that will come; or If. The promotion has been in decline for nearly a decade and a half. Spurts of creative power -- as with Nexus or Daniel Bryan -- have provided false hope. Nostalgia acts like The Rock have delivered fleeting peaks of interest. ...